Lego News

”What has occured in the world of Lego?” they roared maniacally…

Well, Michael Jasper has helped out these lego hobo’s with a tiny shopping trolley…

(Via Brothers Brick)

Mr Jasper has some nice images as well…

Jarod uses Film has produced a nice collection of Olympic highlights…

(Via Like Cool)

Legohaulic has given his figs a slight advantage with these mechs…

(Via Klocki)

and Anthony Sava has decided to answer that age old question of ”Who can eat more sausages… a pirate or a ninja.”

(Via Brothers Brick)

Now let me sleep…


One Response to “Lego News”

  1. Seb says:

    I want Lego to release a Large Hadron Collider set. If they did it in Technic, it might actually work!