Posts Tagged ‘Lego’

Lego News

Sunday, October 12th, 2008

”What has occured in the world of Lego?” They roared with earthshaking intensity…

Well, here’s a some Lego news dedicated to all those who go above and beyond to create some truely epic constructions…

Yankee Stadium closed it’s doors for the final time a few weeks ago, all those memories will be lost and a classic piece of New York’s architectural landscape replaced with a new uber stadium…
Fortunately Sean Kenney has spent the last 2.5 years building a massive Lego replica

Millennia from now, space mice may unearth this replica and revive the ancient passtime of stick-ball…

New York very own lego artist Nathan Sawaya, has some amazing constructions under his belt (gallery). He’s currently offering to make people a lifesized lego replica of themselves for the meagre sum of $60,000…

With Firefly cancelled and Serenity sequels seeming increasingly unlikely, you could understand the disillusionment of some browncoats. However, they are a dedicated bunch… Reasonably Clever chronicles the construction of this epic and detailed light-up lego Serenity

I salute you all…

Lego News

Sunday, September 7th, 2008

”What has occured in the world of Lego?” they roared maniacally…

Well, Michael Jasper has helped out these lego hobo’s with a tiny shopping trolley…

(Via Brothers Brick)

Mr Jasper has some nice images as well…

Jarod uses Film has produced a nice collection of Olympic highlights…

(Via Like Cool)

Legohaulic has given his figs a slight advantage with these mechs…

(Via Klocki)

and Anthony Sava has decided to answer that age old question of ”Who can eat more sausages… a pirate or a ninja.”

(Via Brothers Brick)

Now let me sleep…

Lego News

Tuesday, August 12th, 2008

”What has occured in the world of Lego?” echoed the ferocious hoards…

This guy made a working Donkey Kong diorama… video at Gizmondo

Sushi anyone?

(Super Sushi)

That chap also made this awesome steampunk bike contraption

Thinking big in Santiago… (LikeCool)

I was planning to make a photoshopped timelapse animation on this topic (I won’t bother now).

Now leave me be.

Lego News

Saturday, July 26th, 2008

”What has occurred in the world of lego?” they roared maniacally.

Well, this guy built a beetle,

How about a USB memory brick?

This chap built the Futurama set,

 This fully functional phone is nice,–Phone–Gear.html 

Gizmondo also featured an mesmerising tour of the production process…

 Happy Now?