Archive for August, 2008

Phone Concerto

Sunday, August 3rd, 2008

Someone’s seriously bored in the office…

(Via Nothing To Do With Arbroath)

Circuit Bent Pikachu Army Will Blow Your Mind

Saturday, August 2nd, 2008

As if the world didn’t find him annoying enough, Pikachu has been turned up to 11 by Japanese circuit bender Kaseo, who has modified an arsenal of the lightning-emitting, parental cash-absorbing little blighters into the kind of sonic terror rarely heard outside of Camp X-Ray’s interrogation chambers. This guy obviously has a serious stash of pokeballs.

(Via Pink Tentacle)

Excel Art

Saturday, August 2nd, 2008

Opening a new Excel worksheet everyday for 58 days, Danielle Aubert produced this book of pixelated wonderment.

She’s even animated them for you…

Lightsaber Chopsticks

Saturday, August 2nd, 2008

Some very nice Lightsaber chopsticks via,

An excellent gadget site with some endearing translation glitches.  

Awesome Tattoo

Friday, August 1st, 2008

(Via TheBBPS)

Water News

Friday, August 1st, 2008

Seriously, there’s been some really important discoveries.

Researchers at MIT have discovered a catalyst which thet claim facilitates electrolysis at almost 100% efficiency.

This is a really big deal!

Current solar energy harvesting technologies are notoriously inefficient… using the suns energy to break water down to hydrogen and oxygen is clearly the best approach (just ask the plants). Until now the catalyst currently used to boost electrolysis efficiency was Nickel oxide which is really toxic. That makes it difficult and expensive to work with so the associated technologies became far more expensive too.

The researchers discovered that Cobalt phosphate could be used as a catalyst with amazing efficency, also its non toxic so the equipment will be much cheaper.

“Solar cell makers can add super-cheap electrolyzers to their system so that they work 24/7 — during the day making hydrogen and oxygen, then at night recombining it in fuel cells to generate electricity,” said MIT chemistry professor Daniel Nocera.

Congratulations, it’s a brilliant breakthrough, now hopefully we can sidestep the millions of years it takes between plants recieveing solar energy and us combusting them… I always suspected there was a quicker way.

Also, NASA confirmed that the Phoenix Lander has found water on Mars.


If you are new to the planet, there’s some cool aerial views of irrigation systems at…