Archive for the ‘Things That Are Good’ Category

Star Wars Tenugui

Friday, August 15th, 2008

Check these excellent ornamental Tenugui, guaranteed to make any wall 100% more awesome.
Available @ Think Geek.

(Via Neatorama)

Save… the planet/your cranium/your money

Tuesday, August 5th, 2008

This beautiful helmet from British designers Roof, is made from braided bamboo fibres. It could well save your life… but at £198, some people may prefer the head wound.

(Via Inventorspot)

Recycled Skateboards

Tuesday, August 5th, 2008

If like me, from the generation of skaters who have the scarred, aching knees of a pensioner despite being in your mid-twenties. You may appreciate some of these ‘design classic’ interpretations made out of recycled decks, which are considerably less likely to unceremoniously dump you on the ground than their previous incarnations…
(Via Inhabitant )

Lightsaber Chopsticks

Saturday, August 2nd, 2008

Some very nice Lightsaber chopsticks via,

An excellent gadget site with some endearing translation glitches.